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Here’s this week’s recording, notes, and resources from The Leadership Club™ Monday Mastermind and Coaching Call
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This Week’s Mastermind Discussion
How are you keeping energized, balanced, and effective in the last month of the year?
Several TLC members mentioned they have been reading the book Dynamic Drive, by Molly Fletcher and using some tactics from the book like:
The energy audit and alignment are tools that help us assess and make decisions about where we are spending our energy versus what we have set as goals.
Some teams are even using thing book for a book club with agents.
Using the end of the year or wintertime to recuperate, rethink, and reevaluate
If we operate at 100% all the time, we aren’t able to have the extra room to grow.
Wintertime is a time to slow down, wrap things up, and look forward to the new when it’s time.
Using one morning a week for a brain dump to free our minds, getting everything down on paper
The end of the year is busier than normal and taking 15-30 minutes to just write things down, not just to-do’s, but thoughts and ideas too
Thanks to everyone for contributing their great ideas to the Mastermind conversation!
Leadership Effectiveness During the Holidays:
Recognize that stresses are REAL
Productivity falls off, for many reasons, including festivities
The paradox of “last minute business” as clients try to squeeze things in
Simple tips and techniques:
Reposition/ reframe the calendar - jumpstart on plan for next year, etc. Getting a jumpstart now for success next year can inspire agents to look forward instead of focusing on a year in review
Gift the Give of Time - protect personal time (a great gift for everything especially you)
December is full of deadlines and extra activities, be sure to refine priorities with your team. Let some things go if they prove not to be a high-priority
Three Super Productive Tips:
Here are some ways to combat the fatigue and be effective this holiday season: