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Here’s the recording, session notes and resources.
Coaching Call #18 - August 5, 2024
This week’s coaching call theme was Leading Yourself:
Focusing on Optimism as your Mindset as a leader (00:06:00) - A list of ways to refocus your explanatory style to combat pessimism and tap into optimism
The positivity bias or “Pollyanna” attitude (00:18:00) - a balance between attitude and actions
Self-assessment process (00:25:30) - Conducting a personal assessment of yourself doesn’t have to be complex or complicated
Extending grace and bringing hope during times of change (00:31:39) - trusting people during high-stress times as if they are not out to get us but need extra understanding and to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel
Self-care as a Leader (00:43:09) - Why caring for yourself is imperative to being a great leader to others
📕 Book mentions from the show: Strength Finder 2.0, by Rath and Clifton, The Advantage, by Patrick Lencioni, and Getting To Yes, by Fisher & Ury
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More Leading Yourself Resources
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❤️ TLC Do you need additional help? Here’s how to reach it:
Matthew Ferrara (Las Vegas / PST timezone) matthew@mflearn.com
Amber Morgan, Executive Assistant (EST timezone) : amorgan@matthewferrara.com