TLC Mastermind 23 - Leading Others: Business Planning Tips, Addressing Anxiety, 3-Scenario Approach to Stress

This week we discussed leading through business planning, addressing new process anxiety and reducing business risk in The Leadership Club™ Mastermind Coaching Cal with Matthew Ferrara (SEPT 16, 2024)

(Only seeing the short clip? Be sure to sign in to your TLC account to keep watching.)
Here’s the recording, session notes, and resources.

  • Fall is business planning season for many real estate professionals, we discussed some tips to help your people prepare for business planning:

If you missed last week’s newsletter, be sure to read or listen to SWOT’s the Matter with Your Business Planning? I’ve put together a mini-primer and refresher on running through an effective SWOT analysis with your people to help get in the right mindset for business planning season.

This week’s key discussion points

  • Idea generation and suggestions of what other leaders on the call are doing to prepare their people to for future growth and business planing (00:06:50):

    • Awareness campaign of the tools and resources available to agents

    • Employee/agent book clubs for personal and professional growth

    • Consistent moments of connection in-person and remotely

    • Updating marketing and messaging materials, practicing new messages

    • Reviewing training plans for the next 6 months and fine-tuning topics

    • SWOT analysis and other assessments to establish clear insights

  • Addressing the Anxiety of new sales habits amongst veteran performers (00:25:36) Matthew shares some ideas for using scripts, role-plays and confidence-building activities to help salespeople build confidence in new procedures and skills

  • Addressing Fears of “Novice” performance for experienced salespeople with “3 Scenario” Role-Playing and stress reduction (00:33:55) Matthew shared this “mental preparation” technique to help people recognize they have options at every stage of their learning/application of a new skill. Use this 3-question method:

    • What’s the worst that could happen? What would you do?

    • What’s the best that could happen? Then what would you do?

    • What’s the most likely scenario? Then what would you do?

    • The key is to generate a list of 3-5 things you’d DO in every scenario, to remind yourself that in EVERY circumstance, you have power and options,

  • Taking steps to minimize Brokerage Risks of under-trained agents and staff (00:42:36) Matthew and the group discussed the potential legal pitfalls of having under-prepared and ill-trained agents in your firm during a period of hyper-scrutiny and lawsuits in the industry. Review every individual on your roster and assess their situation; document their attendance at training; and monitor compliance with new rules carefully. If there are people who are unwilling or unable to get up to speed, assess the ongoing risk of having their affiliation.

📕 Book Mentions: Productivity is for Robots, by Corey McComb

Coming up this month: Business Planning Workshop on September 27th for upgraded members. Register below 👇

The full TLC Monday Mastermind Call recordings, materials and Deep Dive Webinars are available to upgraded subscribers. To enjoy The Leadership Club™ at its best, upgrade today!

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