
TLC Mastermind 29 - Personal Growth in 2025 and The Hero's Journey

The Leadership Club™ (TLC) Mastermind Coaching Call with Matthew Ferrara (November 4, 2024) - Leading Yourself: Ideas & Practices for Personal Growth in 2025 and The Hero's Journey

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Here’s this week’s recording, notes, and resources from The Leadership Club™ Monday Mastermind and Coaching Call

Quick Notes:

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This Week’s Mastermind Discussion

On this week’s call, we discussed: How are you going about personal goal setting for the new year as a leader? Participants shared where they would like to start and maybe reevaluate for the upcoming year:

  • Got-Done lists - instead of a to-do list, reflecting and seeing the got done throughout this year, some even share this with the rest of the organization to give kudos to what’s been done so far

  • To-Don’t list - looking back and reflecting on what not to do going forward

  • Taking some time away to assess, reflect, and clearly define what next year looks like and develop who we want to be

  • Journalling out what we want for the next year in the areas of relationships, finances, health/fitness, professionalism, spirituality, etc.

  • Being more intentional about putting dates on the calendar to possibly quarterly reflect and decompress

These are all great ideas and thank you to all who contributed.

This week’s Leadership Focus: The Hero’s Journey Method

Matthew’s adapted version from Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey where each section can become a “focus point” for your plan (and can be adapted to a schedule of your choosing)

The Hero’s Journey Explained

There are 10 Steps to the hero’s journey. The hero? YOU! This is method is used to develop a story for success that can help you make big plans for the new year and for any other goal or growth you’d like to achieve. I’ve broken down each stage of the journey and included a downloadable schedule below. 👇👇👇

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