TLC Coaching Call 17 - Scripts, strategies for leading stressed agents, encouraging them to stay focused on business, and a single source of truth

Scripts for Role-Play, Leading through Stress/Panic, Focusing on Business, & Busting Myths of the Real Estate Changes with Matthew Ferrara, The Leadership Club™ Coaching Call Recording, July 29, 2024

(Only seeing the short clip? Be sure to sign in to your TLC account to keep watching.)

Coaching Call #17 — July 29, 2024

In this week’s coaching call:

  • We compiled a list of helpful scripts and dialogues, along with “examples of alternative” dialogue for educational practices and purposes. Scroll down to download and use for role-play practice to help your agents build confidence in discussing upcoming changes with buyers and sellers.

  • We talked about agents who are panicked about upcoming August deadlines and changes, including the “CIA Model” which helps lower stress and increase options to navigate changes.

  • We explored ways to help agents think “beyond the changes” and get prepared for the rest of their business growth.

  • We offered ideas to put the rumor mill to sleep and create a “single source of truth” for your organization that drives knowledge.

Here’s the recording, session notes and resources. If you have questions, let me know in the comments or by email.

The full TLC Monday Coaching Call recording and materials are available to upgraded subscribers. To enjoy The Leadership Club™ at its best, upgrade today!

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Quick Reminders

  • The new TLC Coaching call format starts on August 5. First Weekly Topic: Leading Yourself

  • SAVE THE DATE: Upcoming Special Webinar for TLC Members announced: Negotiation Tips and Lessons from “Getting To Yes” on Friday, August 23, 2024 @ 12 PM PST / 3 PM EST - SPECIAL 90 MIN SESSION

  • Email Amber at to be listed in the TLC Directory.

The Recording from last week’s webinar is now available to watch:

In Focus This Week: Scripts and Dialogues

After watching a webinar last week from some industry colleagues at T3 Sixty, I wanted to draw your attention to the need to build confidence and competence using role-plays, script practice and different language to explain new rules to consumers. Many thanks to T3 Sixty for offering scripts in their session. I’ve added some ideas of my own to the discussion points and created variations in language for you to role-play different styles with your agents. This is another example of the industry working together to help everyone succeed!

We’ve compiled a downloadable PDF “options / alternative” dialogue for educational practices and purposes. Scroll down to download and use for role-play practice to help you build confidence in agents.

This Week’s Discussion Items

Leading Panicked or Stressed Agents

Some agents may be hyper-focused and stressed or panicked about upcoming changes with the buyer representation rules and forms. This is natural. There is a lot of uncertainty - including basic market conditions. Most people seek “the” answer, right away, during times like this. Although you can’t give them “final, perfect” answers, you can help decrease their stress and build their abilities by remembering to:

  • Be calm and confident yourself, in what you DO know and CAN do

  • Be okay with saying I don’t know but I’m going to find out!

  • Help agents see they have time to get prepared — and you have the training and tools they need to master the situation

  • Use the CIA Model of Stress - leveraging Control, Influence and Acceptance to bring levels of stress down and open up options to move forward.

PRO TIP: CIA Model of Stress is on page 06 of in the Downloadable Leadership Handbook.

Focus on Business Beyond the Rules and Forms Changes

Prevent agents from becoming so hyper-focused on the rules and form changes that they become paralyzed in other areas of business. As one of the members on our TLC coaching call mentioned, “Forms are going to be what the forms are going to be. Check the box or fill in the blank.” Most agents are probably experiencing information overload right now. Great leaders remind them that there’s more to their business than the upcoming changes. Help your people navigate the changes AND keep their business on track by:

  • Reminding agents they were made for change and do this every day

  • Refocusing conversations on good things happening in their business, and opportunities happening in the market

  • Refreshing their value proposition, listing presentations, and prospecting tools, so they see how prepared they are to keep making sales

  • Reviewing their business plans and budgets, so they maintain efforts to prospect, generate referrals and repeat business, and nurture leads

Creating a Single Source of Truth Regarding the Changes

People’s stress levels fall with increased certainty over a situation. There is so much information buzzing around from media, social media, colleagues, agent forums, legal counsel, etc., that it becomes difficult for agents to decipher what’s true from pure speculation. On Monday’s call, we explored establishing a Single Source of Truth for your firm, where all answers are clear, confirmed and consistently available in one place.

  • Publish a page on your intranet with the FACTS (and FAQs) and keep it updated daily

  • Use some key points weekly to communicate and emphasize an item on the list and repeat, repeat, repeat

  • Communicate on these key points at office meetings, in email blasts, through texts, individual conversations, etc.

Downloadable Scripts and Dialogues

Here’s a powerful guide to practicing role-play and scenarios with your team. Competence drives confidence, so practice, practice, and practice some more. We’ve included “alternative” phrasing for educational purposes.

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