TLC Mastermind 27 - Leading the conversation in the market, the Message House, and PR that "spins" the positive

The Leadership Club™ (TLC) Mastermind Coaching Call with Matthew Ferrara (October 21, 2024) - Leading the conversation using the Message House and PR that spins headlines positively.

(Only seeing the short clip? Sign in to Substack to watch the full episode.)

Here’s this week’s recording, notes, and resources from The Leadership Club™ Monday Mastermind and Coaching Call

Quick Notes:

  • 📺 Last week’s Deep Dive into Business Planning is now available for rewatch/listen.

  • 👉 Webinar Alert! We have 2 upcoming Webinars for TLC Members to Save the Date. Click the images below to register:

    • Deep Dive: November 1 @ 12 PM PST / 3 PM EST (60 mins). The topic will be Talent Attraction, Development and Retention

    • Always Inspiring Insiders Mastermind: November 8 at 9 AM PST / 12 PM EST (90 mins): Real Estate Buyer and Seller Research Updates

Special Offer: Invite a Friend to Try TLC for a Month Free

We’re trying to add 25 new members by February 2025 to TLC. So please invite a friend to TRY TLC FOR FREE for a MONTH by using this LINK. Pick a Monthly Subscription and check “Apply 30-Day Free Trial”. No obligation to continue; cancel before first payment. Perfect for managers, owners and leaders ready for coaching and personal growth!

Free 30 Day Trial

This Week’s Mastermind Discussion

On this week’s call, we discussed: How are you showing up as a leader in the market/your association/or industry? Participants shared what they are doing, including:

  • Facilitating, contributing, and actively leading members of the associate or board through teaching training or facilitating panel discussions

  • Participating, organizing, or leading the community in relief efforts for their local communities after the recent hurricanes

  • Organizing community events, like trick-or-treat, and pie/turkey around the holidays. Interacting with the community and drawing people into the office.

Kudos to the participants who shared these ideas!

This week’s Leadership Focus: Leading the Conversation

  • Leaders need to set the topic and tone of the marketplace conversation

  • Developing a PR position is more than “being noisy/noticed online”

“Marketing is when you’re talking about self. PR is when others are talking about you.”

Be sure to spin the media for the positive

  • Leaders are encouraged to be a voice in the media and within their community

  • Journalists often want the sensational headline, help them find the positive headline by being sensationally good

  • Promise a journalist exclusives on the good stuff

Develop a “Message House”

A tool that will help you craft a message that’s consistent. Here’s how it works:

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